Sunday, February 22, 2009

Third Trimester...March busy busy busy

Tomorrow marks the first day of my 3rd trimester pregnancy. 3 more months to go...As i try to finish all my works before i go for my maternity leave, alot of unexpected surprises occur on my workplace that added to my workload such as :
  1. one of father in law's companies is being chosen by the income tax department for audit. they required us to prepare 5 years of they only give us 2 weeks to do so...
  2. Need to do some proper account adjustments for audit by the end of march...

besides, i am also busy trying to prepare all necessary preparation to welcome another member to my lil
  1. Scouting for new baby stroller...need to scout for the right stroller for both MM and BB. so the right choice is to scout for the twin stroller for both of them.
  2. shopping for new bb's necessity such as clothes, going to warehouse sales for good bargains due to this economy downturn...

As for the kids, :

  1. need to prepare them mentally and physically for the new sibling's arrival
  2. need to buy them new toys as a present for them on the day of the bb's arrival. this is suggested by sis in law in order to reduce the sibling's rival and jealously especially for MM.

so many things to do in such a short period of time. I do need to finish everything stated above hopefully by this March as i am getting bigger and heavier day by day.

ohh my... i do really feel so huge and heavy...even MW commented that i really looks bigger than his dad...he even said that i looks like the aphabet B....wat a comment....