Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wai Wai Development Milestone....


Crawling helps your baby strengthen his muscles enough to walk and is his first way of getting around efficiently on his own. In the traditional crawl, he'll first learn to balance on his hands and knees. Then he'll figure out how to move forward and backward from this posture by pushing off with his knees. Crawling typically comes after a baby is able to sit well without support, which most children can do by the time they're 6 or 7 months old. After this point, he can hold his head up to look around, and his arm, leg, and back muscles are strong enough to keep him from falling on the floor when he gets on his hands and knees.

wai wai is trying hard to reach ........the remote control

Getting your baby used to water early is important from a safety point of view and it's great fun too. Your child won't be co-ordinated enough to learn to swim properly until he is two or three, but you can get him to feel confident and relaxed in the water and make swimming a fun way to exercise.

wai wai is having a great time during his swimming lesson with daddy